Monday, November 26, 2012

OpenGrok is now in the Ubuntu Charm Store!
  • Now supports multiple projects using a simple JSON format
  • Supports both git and bzr
$ juju bootstrap
$ juju deploy opengrok
$ juju expose opengrok

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My first juju charm: OpenGrok

From the project page:

" OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine. It helps you search, cross-reference and navigate your source tree. It can understand various program file formats and version control histories like Mercurial, Git, SCCS, RCS, CVS, Subversion, Teamware, ClearCase, Perforce, Monotone and Bazaar. In other words it lets you grok (profoundly understand) source code and is developed in the open, hence the name OpenGrok. It is written in Java."

To get started:
$ juju deploy cs:~peter-petrakis/precise/opengrok
$ juju expose opengrok
and the icing, you can add and index new projects by simply:
juju set opengrok og-content=lp:juju
Currently it only will do this with lp urls but later I intend to expand to general bzr urls and of course git. Automatic source code updating and indexing is also in the works. It's currently in the charm store submission stage but is ready for trial use. Remember, you can use LXC containers with juju so it's trivial to deploy complex services locally without a cloud.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

sshuttle and juju for seamless private network bridging

Suppose you're getting started with juju, but you wish to try this on a VM or separate server dedicated to the task, further suppose you wish to use LXC for development purposes. Once everything is said and done you'll have a working juju service with an ip address you can't reach.
ppetraki@mark21:~/Sandbox/juju-local$ juju status
    agent-state: running
    dns-name: localhost
    instance-id: local
    instance-state: running
    charm: cs:precise/mysql-8
      - wordpress
        agent-state: started
        machine: 0
    charm: cs:precise/wordpress-9
    exposed: true
      - mysql
      - wordpress
        agent-state: started
        machine: 0
        - 80/tcp
The solution? sshuttle.
$ sshuttle -r mark21
Will use iptables to create a NAT which tunnels over ssh to bridge this network. Now you can visit in your web browser and have full TCP access to that network, all without using openvpn.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

enabling modeline support in vim

If you ever wondered why
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:
Doesn't work by default is because it's been disabled at the distribution level for security reasons. To get around this add this snippet to your local vimrc or system wide if you're feeling bold.
if exists("+modelines") 
     " the following is required because of SuSE's paranoid /etc/vimrc 
     " and to force 'modeline' on even for root in Vim 7.0.237 and later 
     set modeline modelines=5 
     " the following disables a dangerous modeline in one helpfile 
     if has ('autocmd') 
         au BufReadPost ada.txt setl nomodeline ft=help 

crash utility dminfo extension hacking

I had done this a long time ago while triage of multipath based core dumps were a regular occurrence for me. Some of the extra plugins for crash are way out of date and require access to private data structures to reconstitute the view of the subsystem. Here's an example of porting the dminfo plugin for use with Linux 2.6.32.

and the diffs

What I would like to do someday is figure out how to "mount" sysfs from crash context and use the device model to obtain these data structures in a deterministic manner. That would make these sort of plugins much more robust.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ubuntu PDF merge one liner

These are always the best

$ gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output_file.pdf  `ls -x *pdf | sort`

The ls -x incantation ensures everything is on one line to be feed to gs. This really handy when scanning multipage documents so if it jams along the way your entire pdf isn't lost.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting Started with Hand Loading

So my first kit is on the way, after about a week of research I settled on something so simple, I didn't think it existed. Hand Loading.

All you need is a rubber mallet and the supplies: powder and slugs.

The die set itself costs $26 from midwayusa, a box of 50 38S new runs about $21 here. Initial estimates put the reloading costs at about $10/50, probably cheaper if I use lead rounds. I also purchased associated hand tools for case prepping and a Lee manual. Overall, including shipping the cost to date is $78.

It's about as dirty as cleaning a gun, if not less and I can do it anywhere. Still being an apartment dweller space is a premium.

In the meanwhile I'll get lots of experience with something before I go spend a couple hundred bucks on a fancy press and associated gadgets. Even gathering brass will be easy as I can dump it straight from the gun into the brass bucket. Keep you posted, hope I don't burn my eyebrows off :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Automating FC SAN failover using pexpect

The code is on github and is fairly straight forward. One of these days I'll figure out how to do this using SMI-S or other XML magic pixie dust. The Cisco MDS is a little obnoxious in that it requires you to entire config mode to toggle vsans. The switch is already configured for pubkey authentication. Here it is in action,

ppetraki@mark21:~/Sandbox/cisco-automation$ ./ 
logging in...
logged in
entered config mode
enable both vsans, wait 30 secs
disable vsan 10, wait 60 secs
enable vsan 10
exit config mode
exit fc switch
terminated True
In a separate window I have 'watch -d multipath -ll' on the client and confirm during the 60 sec sleep that the path group did indeed go out of service and then return.
$ git clone git://
and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Determine Linux "sd" names for debugging

The way the Linux SD driver works is it reserves 16 minor 'slots' per block device, the first minor represents the whole disk, and the remaining 15 are reserved for partitions. Knowing this offset one can write a little python code to create an index table that aids debugging, mapping minor numbers back to block device names. This of course presumes that names are being recycled.

# python -c "print zip(range(0,443,16), map(chr, range(97, 123)))" [(0, 'a'), (16, 'b'), (32, 'c'), (48, 'd'), (64, 'e'), (80, 'f'), (96, 'g'), (112, 'h'), (128, 'i'), (144, 'j'), (160, 'k'), (176, 'l'), (192, 'm'), (208, 'n'), (224, 'o'), (240, 'p'), (256, 'q'), (272, 'r'), (288, 's'), (304, 't'), (320, 'u'), (336, 'v'), (352, 'w'), (368, 'x'), (384, 'y'), (400, 'z')]
So sdb would be 8,16 and sdm would be 8,192, sdm1 is 8,193. Now the next time you see something awful like this:
Jul 10 15:08:25 | checker failed path 8:144 in map mpath2 Jul 10 15:08:25 | libdevmapper: ioctl/libdm-iface.c(1740): dm message mpath2 NF fail_path 8:144 [16384]
You can say with confidence that this is device sdj.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A frantic plea for help right on my doorstep

It was Saturday morning, 2/25, around 10 AM. I had been awake for about an hour now, had my morning coffee and was going through the motions of beginning my weekend, relaxing, no real plan but to fix my car later. Still in my sweatpants, I heard a frantic knocking on my apartment door, a woman yelling for help. Not knowing what to expect I ran to the closet and grabbed my pistol, put it behind my back and under my sweater, and opened the door. To my right was an Indian woman, frantic and in tears, telling me that her husband was hurting her. The husband there just behind her, stammering that there wasn't a problem. I asked the woman if she would like to come in and call the police, she agreed and I let her in my home, I then closed and locked the door.

I never said a word to the man though from the look on his face, I could tell that he understood that I was taking this seriously. Perhaps  it was the awkward way I had opened the door, with my left hand since my right was behind my back. I never said a word to anyone that I was armed, it was clear that I was prepared. The man continued to knock on my door for some time, then it stopped, that's when I knew the police had arrived.

It had taken them about 7-10 mins to arrive at my apartment, the woman now in my home is my neighbor from directly across the hall.

I didn't ask for this, I wasn't looking for trouble, I was sitting in my home and reading my email when this event came to my doorstep. Later after reflecting upon these events, it occurred to me what it is that truly makes a neighborhood "safe". It's not the average income, the distance to the nearest police station, how nice the houses are, or the cars in your driveway. It's whether your neighbor is willing to stand up for himself and the people around him.